Having a birthday on a Monday isn’t all that exciting…
Unless you’re my dad and you happen to love getting up super early every day and work and life in general, and well, then any day’s amazing to have a birthday.
Now, daddy, since I don’t think I tell you all this often (even though you more than you deserve it), here’s a little thingy I prepared for you on this day, your 54th birthday:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the man to whom (by definition) I owe half my being,
who forced me to learn English in a country where that’s not even needed,
who’s set the best and highest bar for my future one and only,
who always gladly volunteers to run my errands,
who enjoys getting me things I don’t ask for,
who helped me see pursuing my second B.S. before grad school was one of the best moves ever,
whose rare instances of tough love give me tremendous insights,
who is one of the best role models my future kids will ever have,
and who knows how to do it all.
Por todo eso y más, te adoro, Papito. FELIZ CUMPLE, TESORO!
And may you have at least another 50 more birthdays. (Did you hear that, God?)
I think I was telling him a secret and he was trying not to crack up? This occurred in Santa Marta, btw. |