
Interns Are NOT Maids

I was listening to an NPR story today on internships: unpaid vs. paid, job responsibilities, and all that. The lady being interviewed said interns should be able to deal with “grunt work” like stapling, photocopying, and bringing coffee. As soon as I head that, I went, “NO THEY DON’T!”   Let me explain… I’ve been…

"Get inside your customer’s head"

People usually ask me, “Well, what’s Marketing?” “How can I begin Marketing my product?” and the ever-famous, “What are you learning at [school/that agency where you’re working with right now]?” “Can you help me?” People, Marketing is a lot of things. There’s no manual, no recipe, no nothing that appropriately defines the art and the…


According to Strategic Business Insights’ VALS test, I’m what’s known as an Achiever/Experiencer— Pretty accurate, I must say. But first:1. What’s VALS? VALS  is marketing speak for “Values, Attitudes and Lifestyles.” Simply put, it’s a research methodology used for segmenting markets. And market segmentation is designed to help companies tailor their products and services to appeal to the people…