Reasons For Why I’d Be The Most Boring “Bachelor” Contestant Ever
Like everyone else, I have a love-hate relationship with “The Bachelor.” Here are my reasons for why I know I’d HATE being on it. Reason #1: I’d be SUPER boring.
Like everyone else, I have a love-hate relationship with “The Bachelor.” Here are my reasons for why I know I’d HATE being on it. Reason #1: I’d be SUPER boring.
People usually ask me, “Well, what’s Marketing?” “How can I begin Marketing my product?” and the ever-famous, “What are you learning at [school/that agency where you’re working with right now]?” “Can you help me?” People, Marketing is a lot of things. There’s no manual, no recipe, no nothing that appropriately defines the art and the…
= The number of hours I slept last “night” (i.e. technically today, from 2-5 AM) Zero = The number of times I’ve EVER slept less than at least five hours a night (REALLY) Also zero = The number of minutes I worked out today (aside from my mild walk home) because my sleepy brain begged…
My dad, our family’s Renaissance man, sent me this blurb from an article he read recently, and I just knew I HAD to share it: (Listen up, my dear B-School!) A powerful vocabulary is the single most important factor for academic achievement and success in life. According to a survey of CEOs, the most important…