That’s What She Linked #5
• Despite what you think, marriage is NOT for you. (And you know what? I’m OK w/marriage not being for me. You?)
• The Pope wants all Catholics to fill out a survey about the “modern” family” (not the show, but rather the concept). In it, he asks our opinion on same-sex marriage, divorced peeps, and so on. So go to your parish and fill it out!
The survey is the latest sign of Francis’ willingness to engage ordinary Catholics and promote a less judgmental approach to hot-button social issues.
• NOSTALGIA P.1: Back in the day, in another epoch, there used to be “video stores,” and they were pretty memorable. What do you miss the most/not miss at all about them? (I’m so glad there are no more late fees!)
• You know how I devised a plan for moving to IKEA? Well these guys take it to another level by actually trapping people inside IKEA showrooms. (Fun and creepy at the same time, no?)
• TUTORIAL: Learn how to batch-crop images with Photoshop
• 5 things you already did wrong before 9 a.m.: Lay off that snooze button, already!! (Easier said than done, I know..)
• NOSTALGIA P. 2: Remember mixtapes? I do. In fact, I still have a few from back in the day lying around. Don’t know what a mixtape is? Then watch “Mixtapes Explained to Modern Kids.”
Photo credit: Image via The Wednesday Wakeup
There’s also an online survey you can fill out, if you don’t want to have to remember to fill it out at your parish. :) I think it’s on the official papal website.
ps. I totally miss video stores! Living in the middle of a city where redbox is the only rental option (other than pricey online rentals), I miss being able to wander into the tiny mom ‘n pop video rental store near my parents house and be able to pick up a new movie for 99 cents or the most random old movies.
Oh wow no way! Hm I didn’t know that. At your suggestion, I tried looking for it but didn’t find one that was authoritative enough (I saw a few seeming copycats) so I thought I’d stay away and then wait til the data’s been analyzed. (Psh their loss!)
I kind of miss the Blockbuster ritual that the video featured, too, but definitely not its rental fees. I also live near a few Redboxes and often wonder why online rentals go for so much when I can get the same movie for a fraction of the cost by just walking/driving for a few mins.
Thanks so much for your comment, Geidre!!