Where Have I Been? Update!
Wow, it sure has been a while since I recorded an episode!
Well not to worry because I’ve been working on more. You see, life took a strange turn last month, in February.
Right around the time I was supposed to celebrate my birthday (which also coincided with a time I wanted to record another episode!) I ended up worsening a herniated disc towards the upper side of my abdomen. This is a herniated disc, by the way, whose existence I wasn’t even aware of until weeks later.
The pain was beyond AGONIZING and regardless of how strong I may be when it comes to pain, I’d tear up every time I had to move because it felt like I was getting stabbed or something.
Fortunately, my husband stayed home with me that day (because it was my birthday, aw), which was a God-send because I was pretty much out for the count. Even my physical therapist (who I’ve been working with for an unrelated matter) was at a loss for what could’ve caused that sudden sensation.
As to how it was found? Long story short: I went to a specialist who ended up pointing out the place in the MRI notes where a radiologist had noted the herniated disc almost a year prior–something that other doctors had missed. Hmm.
So that pain starts going away as the days go by–well, not completely (bear in mind I still didn’t know it was a herniated disc at the time)–and THEN I get a cold. Which ended up turning into a flu. Fortunately, the flu symptoms didn’t last longer than a day.
So that’s where I’ve been! Mainly nursing myself back to health and to a state where I can be OK sitting for long periods of time without aggravating my torso. This has also affected my newfound passion of woodburning but that’s a story for another day :).
I binged on both seasons of Queer Eye and I’m almost finished with Working Moms so the time “off” has sure been beneficial to my health and sanity.
No need to worry about me, although your prayers and good vibes are definitely appreciated! I’m determined to kick this thing in the butt and show it who’s boss. Treatment starts very soon and we’re all excited!