Confessions of A Happy Catholic
I seldom write about (my) religion but really wanted to in light of the Pope’s recent visit + another blogger’s own great post on her Catholicism story. Today’s post was inspired by another from a fave blogger of mine, Taylor of The Daily Tay’s My History With The Catholic Church. In it she details how…
Can You Ace This Short Citizenship Exam? (Do All “Americans” Suck At It?)
Random articles online show U.S.-born Americans suck at taking the Exam. But documented immigrants/potential naturalized citizens studied to take it, so the “gap” isn’t that great.
Colombians & Our Novena
Most of us know what Hanukkah is and what its eight days and what not. But have you ever wondered if other faiths/countries have their own special holiday traditions that go on for DAYS? My culture is a prime example of that. As Colombians, we pray what’s known as “La Novena” (i.e., “The Ninth” if…
Check Out Other Countries’ Yummy Holiday Foods!
I have an idea for you all: Let’s eat new things this holiday season! Christmas will be in JUST a couple weeks (I can’t believe it either!) and I bet you’ll be the star of every get-together if you bring something that’s out of the ordinary–especially if it’s from another country!
MOST Latinas Are Neither Maids Nor Wh*res In The Making
[SEP 2013 UPDATE: Watched the first episode of Devious Maids and couldn’t wait for it to be over. Needless to say, I stopped watching. I also just found out season 2’s coming back next year and now wonder WHY IN THE WORLD would Lifetime cancel Army Wives but then renew this shiz.] Latinas have a LOT…
The One Where I Talk About Learning English
Moment of truth: As a writing tutor who works with many English-language learners, I come across many students who speak rather bad English. (Ironically, most of them are also enrolled in my school’s ESL program, whose teachers end up sending them our way even though THEY’ve forbidden us from helping them with tiny grammar issues–which…