Another BEST Life Update: Welcoming Our Baby Girl!
The year 2023 will go down in our family’s history as the year we welcomed a precious little miracle in the form of a sweet baby girl. All babies are miracles: That I know. But this baby came after we lost her big baby brother the year prior. Somehow I knew at the hospital, while…

The First Thing Our Baby Saw Was The Face of Jesus
It was unlike my prior first trimester and the first trimester after that. It was the only first trimester (of the three I’ve been honored to experience) whose end I couldn’t wait to meet. I didn’t have HG, the bloodwork was fine, and the ultrasounds always showed a healthy baby. But I knew otherwise.

Why Have Kids to Outsource Their Care?
There are two Youtuber/influencer moms whose content I enjoy watching regularly because of how “real” and down-to-Earth yet practical their tips can be. One of these moms is pregnant with her and her husband’s third kiddo and has been on the Rachel Ray Show. Her older kids are four and two and go to “school”;…

The Beauty AND Simplicity of Being A Stay-at-Home Mom
On this post, I’d like to delve deeper into the trap that some (most?) two-income households fall into to justify leaving children unloved all day in the care of a nanny/babysitter or daycare/preschool, while explaining how minimalism can free you from this vicious cycle and, in turn (hopefully!), help you want to stay home and…

Being Pregnant During A Global Pandemic, Part 2
To those of you who follow this blog regularly, it’s no surprise that we’re expecting our first child. (If you didn’t know, well now you do :)!) I mentioned it briefly before, but never made a fancy announcement post for it because I’m honestly not into that. Once our baby’s born, I doubt there’ll be…

“Role Models” Don’t Put Their Kids After Their Careers
As you know by now, I’m a big fan of Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s and her daily SiriusXM show, The Dr. Laura Program. I love how she tells it like it is; she has the common sense that seemingly most parents and people in general lack. I’m proud to have been raised by parents who think…