
Adorable Playhouses

Growing up in a penthouse most of my life gave me a greater appreciation for things I’m sure most kids who grow up in detached homes perhaps take for granted:

  • Walking “a few houses over” (rather than going a few flights of stairs down/up) to meet a friend
  • A back door (I always thought it was soo cool to be able to be able to go outside through another door besides the main door)
  • A backyard
  • A few more things I can’t think of at the moment
  • A tree–and by that token, a playhouse

So when I came across this HGTV post with pictures of amazingly darling playhouses, I couldn’t help but just fawn over a seeming childhood staple that I still wish I could have grown up with (this is probably the one thing missing in my perfect childhood–that and one of those cars for kids to “drive” [though I did have a sweet three-wheeled motorcycle]).

Even though I don’t plan on having kids anytime soon, however, I still took the liberty of sending my mom the link so that she and my dad can begin planning out the materials for when my future hubby and we are ready to build our own for our kids. :)

The original post has 20 more photos. o0o0o… 

Do you like them? Did you grow up with a playhouse? If not, do you also wish you had and/or are you planning on building one for your kids?

Images via

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