Annie's the founder of Imperfectly Grateful, where she shares honest blog posts, helpful resources, neat printables, and beautiful phone backgrounds. She's a happy and blessed Catholic wife, SAHM, and homeschooler.
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“If You Can’t Raise Your Kids, Don’t Have Them” (Part 2)
By now you may have read about our decision to never rely on any alternative form of daycare that doesn’t involve ME. If you haven’t, make sure to check that post from last week because this following post helps explain that decision more to those of you who may be feeling ab it judgmental or who…
One Year Ago God Took His Little Angel Back But Lent Us Another One
This week we’re “commemorating” the one-year anniversary of when one angel returned Home and another came to join us.
We’re Citizens!
Today, 8 years, 11 months and 20 days after arriving to this country, we became three of its newest citizens. Proud couldn’t even grasp how we feel. Though it was a looong time coming (and yet nothing compared to the decades some of the other citizens-to-be attending the Ceremony had been waiting), I nevertheless was…

Best Fall Activities In & Around Salt Lake City
If you live around here, it’s no secret to you that Utah is THE place to be in the Fall. The cold is actually quite mild and all those cute fall outfits you’ve been browsing look like they fit just right. But if you’re not from around here, do know that Utah not only is…

Confessions of A Happy Catholic
I seldom write about (my) religion but really wanted to in light of the Pope’s recent visit + another blogger’s own great post on her Catholicism story. Today’s post was inspired by another from a fave blogger of mine, Taylor of The Daily Tay’s My History With The Catholic Church. In it she details how…
By The Old Trains In Heber! Chooo chooo!
Right after we left the Chocolate Festival at the Zermatt Resort this past weekend, we went to deliver some goodies to a family friend in neighboring Heber, Utah. On our way to her house, we saw the city’s legendary old trains and thought, “WE NEED PICTURES HERE!” Funny thing is that we’ve driven by these…