
Real Foods’ Mixed Berry Parfait – Unofficial Review

Today, my family and I went over to Costco to do our weekly grocery shopping. After having checked out the Farmer’s Market earlier in the day and getting a beautiful henna tattoo on my hand (pics coming soon), I was feeling rather festive and in the mood to try something new.

So as my parents went into the refrigerated section to get the veggies we needed, I “parked” our cart by an end-of-aisle cheese-yoghurt section, where I found a big group of these standing in all their glory:

They are the Mixed Berry Parfaits from Seattle-based real FOODS Co. 
In a word: DIVINE.

So I stood there by my cart waiting for my parents to come back, just wanting to pick up one of those boxes and check out the label more closely. Let’s face it: Every time I see someone with a granola-berry parfait on hand, I think, “Ew that must have over 500 calories! How dare they?!” Here’s the thing about me: As a a health nut and daughter of two health nuts, I try my hardest to put only REAL things in my body, keep my daily calorie count in check, and work out every day.

Which is why I was so enamored by what I found once I actually set out to read the label. The first thing I looked for: Calories. How many? Three hundred and sixty total. 360. I mean that’s less LESS THAN 400 calories! Talk about the perfect-sized to-go breakfast, lunch, dinner, … anything! Plus, it features super healthy ingredients. You really couldn’t do wrong by having one of these deliciously satisfying parfaits. (Satisfying = you won’t be hungry after having one.)

And here are some of the ingredients: yogurt, strawberries (I had like three whole ones in mine!), blackberries (two maybe), granola, blueberries (I had a few), organic cardamom seed, organic fennel seed, and organic fenugreek seed, among others.

Overall, it was a deliciously feel-good and saisfying parfait that’s made me super excited to see what other offerings real FOODS features at our local Costco. My only tiny regret: That the label states the nutrition facts for one serving even though each cup = two servings. This might make some peeps confused. But trust me, you’ll want to eat that second serving! (And at < 400 calories total, you should! You deserve it.)

Oh yum!

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