Annie's the founder of Imperfectly Grateful, where she shares honest blog posts, helpful resources, neat printables, and beautiful phone backgrounds. She's a happy and blessed Catholic wife, SAHM, and homeschooler.
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Seven Easy Ways To Live A Greener Life (+ Giveaway: $1,000 in Gift Cards)
Regardless of what camp you’re on, one thing is for sure: It’s CHEAPER to be green! Here are seven easy ways to live a greener live and save money doing so.
It’s Not About Modesty; It’s About Class And Comfort
Growing up in Colombia, I learned very early on the value of modesty from three distinct experiences: 1. Perverted low-class men in Latin America tend to practically salivate at the sight of female legs and behinds. So as a kid, I was always instructed to cover up the upper part of my legs even though…
Reposting Your Old Posts HURTS Your Blog
Let me explain WHY with an analogy… Imagine you’re back in school (if you’re not in school anymore), it’s Midterms season, and you have a huuuuuge take-home essay due in a few days. The paper is for your Poli Sci class and it’s about whether we should adopt a monarchy and why/why not. Then you have…

When Will You Stop Sharing Your Kids Online?
In case I haven’t made it obvious before (here, here, or here—among many others–for instance), or you simply weren’t aware I have much disdain and little respect for parents who view their kids as accessories. This includes those who put their kids in daycare when they don’t need such an option (daycare was created to…
MOST Latinas Are Neither Maids Nor Wh*res In The Making
[SEP 2013 UPDATE: Watched the first episode of Devious Maids and couldn’t wait for it to be over. Needless to say, I stopped watching. I also just found out season 2’s coming back next year and now wonder WHY IN THE WORLD would Lifetime cancel Army Wives but then renew this shiz.] Latinas have a LOT…

“If You Can’t Raise Your Kids, Don’t Have Them” (Part 1)
If you’ve been around this here blog long enough, you know my stance on having kids and working. If you don’t, here it is: If you want to work and not have to raise children, don’t have them. Easy! I’ll go a little more into that here but first I want to explain how I came to…