On The Kavanaugh Situation: Guilty Until Proven Innocent?

As I understand them, these are the facts surrounding this whole circus:

  • For the past couple of weeks we’ve been hearing a few sexual assault allegations surface about a Supreme Court Justice nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.
  • On Thursday, Kavanaugh and one of his accusers, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, came forward to provide their testimony and answer questions at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
  • Dr. Ford was (and remains) adamant Kavanaugh was the man who sexually abused her in 1982. Before the hearing she had provided a list of witnesses who could certify that he was the guy.
  • Kavanaugh vehemently denied these allegations and stated that he was “innocent of this charge”; before the hearing he provided mainly copies of his calendar when he was in school detailing all that he had going on. Other evidence in his favor included testimonies from dozens of women stating he was a decent man during his high school and college years (the time when he was allegedly a serial rapist) and a statement from the American Bar Association confirming he is an upstanding person.
  • Dr. Ford didn’t provide any other corroborating evidence of WHO assaulted her besides a list of four witnesses–all of whom later admitted they could either neither place Kavanaugh at the party nor remember that they were even present at the party. Moreover, she showed significant lapses in memory and even admitted to delaying taking a flight to DC for “fear of flying” all while taking other numerous other flights for other occasions.


On The Kavanaugh Situation: Guilty Until Proven Innocent?

Now that we have the facts as I understand them out of the way, let’s get to the real meat of the matter here: What this all could mean to men and women everywhere in this here the Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave.

To put it mildly, Dr. Ford is making a mockery out of sexual assault victims and Kavanaugh’s family is being dragged through the mud for just the mere benefit of some lowlife Democrats who would rather destroy families than allow a conservative-leaning judge to the Supreme Court–all for the sake of votes in these upcoming midterm elections.

But enough about Dems who gotta make everything about them.

This whole circus has been so upsetting to me because it makes me think that not even the men in my life–and all good men all over–who have been stellar, admirable, incredible people their whole lives… not even they are immune to baseless accusations such as these. That any woman who’s known if these men can merely say nowadays, “He did X” and immediately everyone will side with her based just on feeeeelings. She won’t have any corroborating evidence or witnesses whatsoever, but still, her feelings and shoddy memory will be supported more than the character and records of these men.

And frankly I also worry sick for my future sons.

My dad and husband are adults who don’t need me worrying, although I’m paranoid that someone may do that to them. At this point it’s almost a phobia, I tell you. They’re both such endearing and morally strong men that anyone will have a hard time saying otherwise about them. But that’s what Kavanaugh’s wife and kids thought about them, and what other women and families have thought about the men in their lives, and look at what’s happening! (Thanks, but no thanks #MeToo.)

Back to my future son(s), who for at least the first 18 years of their lives will be largely dependent on us to be their moral compasses and protectors. (Although if my relationship with my parents is any indication, this will continue into way past adulthood.)

I want to share with you a silly idea I told Chris recently: This whole circus had made me want to install security cameras around the house in almost every room. Why? So that if many years down the line, some woman even gets the idea of mentioning that my son(s) did something at a certain location at a particular time, we can confidently show that they were at home, and here’s a video of them proving so.

And what about those times in which they’re not home? Then I thought we’d ask that they get receipts of every place they went to, and/or buy at least a pack of gum to prove their location at any time.

Bear in mind all these records wouldn’t be for our benefit as their parents. My parents weren’t helicopter parents, and although Chris’s mom was, we have no desire to become that, ever.

But THAT.IS.SICK. And insane. And something that only the worst dictators would require of their constituents.

However, doesn’t all of this going on make you fear for your sons’ lives? And doesn’t it make you want to do something for them to protect them?

Yes, my tactics are insane and constitute something I won’t do, but this sham of an accusation is perhaps even more insane. To think that ANYBODY can just accuse someone of ANYTHING for which they lack ANY evidence–even though it’s THEIR responsibility, as the accuser, to prove that it happened, is mind-boggling to me. It’s also sickening, disheartening, and should make any sane person fear for their safety and that of their loved ones.

Dr. Ford, a psychologist who no doubt knows that false memories can be implanted and that polygraph tests can be faked (both are concepts I learned in my college psychology classes, after all), is not only acting as the democrats’ pawn, but is also laughing in the face of REAL assault victims who DO have corroborating evidence–not only of the horrible act, but also of the abuser.

And finally, those who have been sexually assaulted need to understand that not everyone who’s later accused of sexual assault is guilty (simply because someone said so).


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What’s driving YOU crazy about this whole charade? What’s one thing you wish you could tell either Dems about all this? If you’re a parent of sons, or have other male relatives, do you fear for them?

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