Stop Complaining, Start Living!

The following was inspired by this previous post (on which I included this article about the current Occupy Wall Street movement).

Yes, there is corporate greed. 
Yes, there is what some call corporate corruption. 
And yes, lobbyists are quite adept at playing the system to satisfy corporate interests.

But what should we call a system in which a government gives financial support to a company that had been doomed to fail for many years before it did?

Or a system in which celebrities make not only more that most CEOs combined*, but also significantly more than their employees?

Or one in which all of this happens– and yet nobody complains?

Camping out in tents made by giant corporations and holding signs made with supplies obtained from giant corporations only contradicts the point a certain movement is trying to make.

So stop complaining and start embracing what you do have. Start living!

* The highest-earning celebs make an average of $100 million. The highest-earning CEOs make an average of $43 million.

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