We’re Citizens!
Today, 8 years, 11 months and 20 days after arriving to this country, we became three of its newest citizens. Proud couldn’t even grasp how we feel. Though it was a looong time coming (and yet nothing compared to the decades some of the other citizens-to-be attending the Ceremony had been waiting), I nevertheless was incredibly happy and overjoyed and just in awe at having accomplished something that not only others take for granted, but that we fought sooo(…) hard to achieve.
It all started back in early 2002, when we were still in Colombia. Well if I were to tell the whole story I’d take many many hours and many many pages, thus taking even more and more time away from your busy lives. So I won’t :-)
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Afterwards… (Aw my daddy’s smile!)
For some reason I now can’t find more pics from afterwards anywhere… Oh well! I’ll see if I can find them elsewhere; they were pretty awesome.
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New Citizens Welcome Package/”Kit” |
Dear readers and U.S.-born peeps, be good citizens. You don’t know how fortunate you are.