I Wish College Knew How to Quit Me (Not Really.)

Be careful what you wish for!

Especially when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions –in particular, the kind you write with one intention in mind but then end up becoming something you weren’t expecting at all.

Like when you think that you and your undergraduate career had amicably agreed to part ways, only to realize it was nowhere near done with you.

Earlier this year, I wrote about one of my Resolutions for 2012: To Get An Education. As a fresh college grad, I felt like I needed something to occupy my mind between then and the time in which I’d get to leave for grad school. In that post, I went over how there were a few free online courses I was planning on taking (courtesy of Stanford).

But that wasn’t my only education-related Resolution. (The classes did go great, btw!) In another post I wrote about my desire for resuming my studies of the French language.

I may be done with college, but that doesn’t mean I’m done learning stuff, I thought then.

But fast-forward over a half year and what do we have? Simply someone who didn’t think she was as ready for grad school as she once thought. (Which was a bittersweet realization.)

So dear readers, I’m happy to announce that I will be starting my SECOND BACHELOR’S this upcoming Fall! :D 
Woot woot!!

Yup, apparently one Bachelor’s wasn’t enough for this overachiever, so she’s decided to get another one. That way, I’ll be more than ready to not only apply to, but also succeed in grad school.

What will I be studying? Well I’m glad you asked. : ) In order for me to perform well at my future Marketing PhD program, I’m planning on studying Psychology this time around (as you might recall, my first Bachelor’s is in Marketing). After all, these kinds of programs want people with experience in both areas, and for some reason I hadn’t fully absorbed the fact that the Intro to Psych class and quasi-Psych (aka Consumer Behavior) class I’ve taken while studying Marketing may not be enough to give the Psych “experience” I need.

So I trust that my future Psych degree and second thesis will make 2012-2013 a year to remember.

Here’s to a few grad school acceptance letters coming my way in < a couple years! :D Now on to re-become an undergrad all over again… (Yay to free TRAX benefits!)

Original image via News Owl

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