This Easter, Think BEFORE You Adopt

When I was little, we had a bunny. His name was (……………wait for it…………..) Bunny! Anyways, I loved Bunny. I taught him his name (I’ve also taught our dogs and cat their names b/c they think I’m the best teacher ever!) and even how to climb up our stairs (which was great at first but then became less-than-ideal). He was blonde (ha, like our current cat), and loved hanging out in my room.

But we didn’t keep Bunny for long. Actually, he was with us for perhaps a year before something I don’t recall happened and we had to give him away. (Either I really don’t recall what happened or I was probably so sad at the time that my brain decided to block the memory. Actually, I just asked my mom; she said that he kept eating our plants, lol. I’d have gladly kept him tho. Psh who needs plants? I sure did miss him..)

Anyways, many cute Easter-“appropriate” animals aren’t so fortunate. As I’ve hinted at, they’re adopted just in time for Easter (we didn’t get Bunny for Easter, though), and then get promptly returned right afterwards once they’ve been scared sh**less by a million kids at Easter parties.

So what follows is a non-sponsored, non-commissioned PSA that I thought of making in light of the multiple calls to “not adopt” I’ve seen or heard of lately:

This Easter, think before you adopt!
This Easter, think before you adopt!

That’s right: Think before you adopt, y’all. Don’t just buy a bunny and/or chicks for Easter. If you’re genuinely able to keep them for many years (10-12 years for bunnies; plus, who wouldn’t want fresh eggs for years to come?), then go ahead. Let this Easter mark your new addition’s first day with your loving family. But if not, and if all you’re doing is just pleasing a kid, then buy a plush toy. People often forget that animals CAN feel, and they can feel MANY things, including stress.*

So save a chick/bunny some stress this Easter and DON’T subject him to a few hours of torture at the hands of curious kids and guests. Treat other beings like you’d like to be treated (except perhaps for jellyfish**, b/c they’re beyond creepy).
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* This reminds me of something else: A former boyfriend said he liked to keep his dog caged in her kennel all day long so that she wouldn’t go to the bathroom while he was away. His reasoning was that dogs don’t go to the bathroom in the same place where they sleep, so what better way to prevent her from causing an accident than by preventing her from living freely, causing her undue bladder pains, and stressing her out like heck? Sounds like a win-win (well, only for him at least)! Gosh, I loved the guy but I sincerely despised that (just that) about him. There I said it… J, if you’re reading this: Now you know :). And don’t be offended… I just feel for your doggy!
**J/k: Don’t discriminate!

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