How To Be The Best-Dressed Guest At That Upcoming Wedding
Not upstaging the bride doesn’t mean guests ought to look disheveled and frumpy. On the contrary! A well-dressed flock of guests only enhances the lucky couple’s own appearance and is a definite wedding Do.
And how do you go about being part of that best-dressed entourage? By following a few super simple hints I outlined on just that in our business blog recently:
Six Tips for Becoming The Best-Dressed Guest At That Upcoming Wedding
(Seriously, they’re so easy you’ll be wondering why you hadn’t tried them before!)

fun! Now I just need a wedding to go to. I’ve always heard that the wedding that’s the MOST fun to go to, is the first one you attend after your own. I’m SO ready to party it up! Unfortunately, nobody I know is getting married. :( :( lol
Nobody I know is getting married either!! Haha what a dilemma. But at least now we’ll have some fantastic tips, no? Hope you’re having a beautiful week, dear Giedre and thanks for stopping by!