That’s What She Linked #1

You know how some bloggers like to post their favorite links? (LOL how about my vampire look :P?) Well in an attempt to bookmark my favorite links that I’ve found recently while sharing them with you, I introduce you to That’s What She Linked, a weekly/bi-monthly/whatever collection of, well, (friggin good) links that I hope you’ll enjoy too!
- Just like its big brother Facebook, Instagram also allows us to prevent FOMO (fear of missing out) while increasingly fueling our Instadepression. (As someone who left Facebook months ago, I found her article sad but true.) “Your life is not perfect. But it’s perfect for you.”
- Except for the one about the haunted house (b/c I find them lame), these 50 Fun Fall Date Ideas sound adorable. Now I just need a date. (Currently accepting boyfriend applications.)
- See why us 90s kids had the most magical childhood ever
- I can’t stop UN-listening to this one-minute mashups of songs that were ripped off. (Weird how I didn’t notice these before.)
- Picmonkey teaches us to turn ourselves into vampires (>>unsponsored)
- Annnd speaking of Halloween, although I’ve never worn a slutty Halloween costume, I’ve always found the concept of wearing one at least a little bit alluring. Like, I might look good in one but then I realize I’d end up attracting the wrong kind of attention (and pictures, and questions from concerned relatives abroad!) so I stay away. Which is why these 9 reasons to boycott slutty Halloween costumes totally resonated with me.
What do YOU think of those links? And what other cool links have you come across lately?
PS :) >>