That’s What She Linked #6

That's What She Linked 6 - Blair & Nate
Being a sex object isn’t as empowering as the media says it is.

Guys don’t like being hunted, so WHY do some gals keep hunting them?

Your Horoscope Actually Belongs To Someone Else (by Bill Nye): Shocking! :O I don’t see myself as an Aries, though!

Egypt explained in seven minutes: If you’re like me, you’ve been putting off learning about this country’s situation for a while. This super easy-to-get video will let you compensate for that.

• Why you should AVOID image maps (that’s right: stay away!): Pay attention, blog designers!

• These 65-calorie whole-wheat PUMPKIN BROWNIES look delish

• 3 Simple Lessons Brought To You By A First-Class Passenger On The Plane That Landed In The Hudson: These are rather life-changing, too

• These colorized historical photos are so precious! Charlie Chaplin (found on Melissa’s original source) sure was a cute hipster! (Is that weird?)

• If you’re on WP, here’s a super simple tutorial for offering downloadable files on your site (She’s also my coding/design role model)

What cool links have YOU come across lately?

Image via We Heart It

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