That’s What She Linked #6
• Guys don’t like being hunted, so WHY do some gals keep hunting them?
• Your Horoscope Actually Belongs To Someone Else (by Bill Nye): Shocking! :O I don’t see myself as an Aries, though!
• Egypt explained in seven minutes: If you’re like me, you’ve been putting off learning about this country’s situation for a while. This super easy-to-get video will let you compensate for that.
• Why you should AVOID image maps (that’s right: stay away!): Pay attention, blog designers!
• These 65-calorie whole-wheat PUMPKIN BROWNIES look delish
• 3 Simple Lessons Brought To You By A First-Class Passenger On The Plane That Landed In The Hudson: These are rather life-changing, too
• These colorized historical photos are so precious! Charlie Chaplin (found on Melissa’s original source) sure was a cute hipster! (Is that weird?)
• If you’re on WP, here’s a super simple tutorial for offering downloadable files on your site (She’s also my coding/design role model)
What cool links have YOU come across lately?
Image via We Heart It