Wedding Planning in Salt Lake City: A New Series

Have you been looking to plan a Wedding in the SLC area and are wanting to read another bride’s honest take on many venues and services offered?

Then my new series is for you.

TRL-Wedding Planning Adventures in SLC

When we became engaged in November 2015 we didn’t have a wedding date set. Two months prior, at our Anniversary lunch, we were playing around with dates, and I remember looking at my phone calendar searching for that one “special date,” such as 7/7, 8/8 or 9/9, or even one where the day number + the month number = the year.

Several more possibilities ensued–all narrowed down by the fact that I wanted to have a Summer wedding.

Then he said something very interesting: “Whatever date we pick, it’ll be special because it’ll be our Wedding.”

So I discarded those game-y date ideas and weeks later we finally settled on one: September 20, 2017, the third anniversary of our first date–our last first date. How much more meaningful and special could a date be?

That left us at almost two years to plan a Wedding, when almost all Wedding Calendars out there include events from a year in advance. (#longwait) Therefore we knew we had plenty of time to plan a Wedding–and do a lot of relaxing and not-worrying and growing and learning (from each other) in the meantime.

Now before you say, “Getting married isn’t about a Wedding; it’s about the Marriage,” I wholeheartedly agree. To that end, I could write a post later about how we got ready for becoming husband and wife. But I don’t offer relationship advice on my blog (in my opinion, not everyone–especially newlyweds–is qualified to do so), as my journey may differ from a couple’s who’s been married for decades. In fact, my parents have been happily married for over 30 years, and they didn’t read the books we’re reading or meet for premarital counseling with a Priest and other couples like we have been.

And it’s partly because I’m not interested in sharing relationship advice that I thought instead an honest Series about what I’ve come across as we plan a Wedding would be a better fit for local readers looking for unbiased input like I have been.

I find that readers in the SLC area would benefit more from posts on honest opinions about the venues, service, foods we’ve tried, and other things we’ve come across as we get ready for a Wedding.

It’s true that the only entities that matter on our Big Day are, in our case, the couple, God, our Priest, and our families. The Ceremony is where it’s at, and the Reception is more of an add-on–a chance for us all to celebrate.

This Series will explore our HONEST experiences as we hunt for the right things to incorporate into that Reception. Come along as I launch the first post later this week!

Did you also get married in Utah/Salt Lake City? Feel free to share any tips!

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  1. I love the story behind the date that you picked!! :) And I like this series. Even though I can’t relate to wedding planning anymore, I’m sure I’ll relate as I think back on our wedding planning, which took place in a much shorter four months than your two years. :)

    1. Thanks, Amberly!! Now I can’t think of a better date :). Hope you do like the series and I’m excited for what 2017 has in store for us :D.

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