True Story: We Moved to the U.S. And Are Now Citizens!

A few months ago I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the fantastic Sarah of Yes And Yes re: our family’s move to the United States:
What do you remember about life in Colombia?
I remember our home and my wonderful childhood. I wasn’t/am not a spoiled brat but my parents always did give me what I wanted when it was appropriate. I got good grades and was one of the best at English – to the point where I sometimes corrected my teachers, who weren’t fans.
I also remember my friends and our get-togethers, my crushes, our road trips to go see relatives at Christmastime-New Year’s, getting to grow up “with” Shakira, Juanes, and Sofia Vergara, watching American shows (we were big fans!), having a maid (like almost everyone else), and even starting to talk to myself in what I’m sure was broken English back then, haha.
Your family has really put down roots here – owning businesses, attending school, volunteering. What do they love about most America?
The safety/security and the privacy. In Colombia, everyone knows everything about everyone. (Or maybe we were just very well-connected?) Here, no one minds your business and (if you’re in the right part of town) you can be out on your own at any time of day and be wearing lots of expensive stuff and no one’ll give a da**. Better yet, no one’ll try to rip it off you. (In shady areas of Colombia, this has been a grave issue for a while.)
Other things discussed in the interview include the DREAM Act, my first impressions of this country, whether I miss Colombia, whether we’re considered “too American,” and MUCH more!
So catch the rest of my interview* on her blog (it’s really good, you guys, if I dare say so myself :)!), enjoy it, and of course let me know what you think and/or whether you know of other immigrants (or are yourself one)!
* Remember how it said on there that my dad’s an aspiring retail trading pro! Because I’ll never tire of praising his chops, I’ll also announce he even built himself a super powerful Wall-Street-like three-screen computer (i.e., from scratch) for his flight simulator and stocks and investment classes! He’s such a whiz already :O, we can already sense how great he’ll be in a near future.
CHECK OUT True Story: My Family and I Immigrated from Colombia to the U.S.–And We Love It! on Yes and Yes.
Loved the bog post on Yes and Yes! I left some questions over there for you. :)
ps. I’m not entirely sure if I realized you live in Utah – totally makes me want to go on a road trip so we could have coffee and I could ask you fifty zillion more questions!
You SHOULD come! Although you might get bored–then again you’re more outdoorsy (and can ride a bike; I can’t!) so you and Vincas might enjoy it more :).
Idk if we’re planning on visiting Chicago soon BUT I’ll let you know when we are and then we can meet up :D!
PS- I answered your Qs on there.. and it’s “Colombian” hehe :).
ha! whoops. I’m such a terrible speller. :p
No biggie, dear ;)!!