A Little About Me + Tell Me About YOU!

Once in a while I like to check in with YOU, the lovely readers who’ve supported my blog and I through the years and find out how you are, WHO you are, and what brought you here.
No worries, I don’t have a survey (or should I?); I’m just curious about you and would love it if you left me a comment with more you and your blog or why you like writing, what you’re about, etc. I’m always looking for more variety in my blog feed and who knows, maybe this way, I’ll end up discovering you and we become best blog friends! (O maybe not, but still!)
And if we’re already great friends, comment anyways! The more, the merrier.
Til then, here’s a little more on me in case you’re new and haven’t been reading ANNIE SAID IT for long:
I, Annie, was born and raised in Colombia, til my family and I moved to the U.S. in October 2002 on a process called political asylum. In 2004, we became residents (i.e., we got our Green card), and in 2011, ten days before our tenth “move-in” anniversary, we became proud naturalized U.S. citizens.
I graduated college the first time also in 2011 with an Honors degree in Marketing + a Minor in Writing, and then again in 2013 with a degree in Psychology.
I had my first boyfriend (if you can call him that? we went out for less than a couple of months) at 22 but he, a guy who was 15 years my senior, wanted to marry within a couple of years. “Hell no,” I thought, so we/I broke up.
Then I gave online dating a try… The first guy I met through there was good “on paper,” but in hindsight (and let’s face it, DURING that one month we went out), he really wasn’t that great. Like at all. Like he wanted more than I’d ever provide a boyfriend (physically), and simply decided to drop off the face of the earth. (Good riddance!)
So I gave up on online dating an focused more on me.
From the moment I graduated college (both times) I worked or took other courses online to keep growing. I love Marketing, so I worked/interned mostly at agencies. Our family also runs the number one alterations shop in two counties, so I love to design/redesign its site and manage its social media, and other signage, etc.
In the meantime, I was looking for more, so I decided to study for the LSAT. Fortunately I was jobless so I could dedicate all my time to this endeavor. Towards the end of my studying, two major things happened:
- I found an amazing job with the corporate branch of Utah’s largest automotive group. Today, almost one year later, I still can’t believe the opportunity to do what I get to do; and
- I decided to give online dating a try one more time. This time, I told God, “if I’m not meeting THE ONE, I don’t want to have anything to do with anyone. I won’t date around.”
Sure enough, this guy introduced himself to me soon after:
(He’s all over my Insta, in case you want to know more: @MsAnniePaul.) Now, over a year after we started dating, I’m convinced of a few things, but because life has a way of happening and God’s been to known to laugh while we make plans, I shall keep most of them under wraps.
Wow, this post sure took a different turn, huh? OK not to worry because I have a way to bring it all back full circle: Simply tell me how you met (or hope to meet) your sweetheart! And don’t forget to tell me more about you in the Comments!
“Wait, that’s it?” you might be wondering. Don’t worry! I have plenty more awesome updates where those came from. Looking forward to meeting you (and later on sharing more!) TTYL!