How To Let Love Find You: Love Yourself First!

Because here’s the thing: If you FEEL good, you’ll ATTRACT good. Good men can sense when you radiate that goodness and they’ll be attracted to that!
So because I love love, think we’re all just some time away from finding love, and believe in helping each other grow (and fall in love!), I came up with a few ways that you can love and nurture yourself so that love can more easily find its way to YOU: (How many “love”s were in the previous sentence, btw :)?)
If you’re thinking of going back to school now would be a pretty good time. And if you’re already in school, then GREAT! Education is one of the FEW things that no one can take away from you, so treasure those late nights of homework and assignments and those club meetings because every one of them is your last. Grow, nurture yourself, and attract good.
If you’ve gotten to a point where school isn’t teaching/challenging you much, or are done with school and are looking to take the kind of interesting class that you never had time for while in college, OR are simply too dang busy for a full-time degree but would still want to have a “class” experience, then you should look at some of the free online classes (AKA MOOCs) being offered by some of today’s most influential universities.
Where Love Might Find You
In a classroom, at a club meeting, while walking to class, at the cafeteria, while working on that dreaded project or studying for a final… You could even start a great connection with someone from a MOOC!
Case in point: After I graduated college for the first time in ‘11, I enrolled in a Stanford MOOC, signed up to work in a group full of guys from all over the world and to this day still tweet back and forth with one of them who I won’t deny is rather cute. But if nothing happens, it’s OK because then at least I’ll have a crazy talented web developer/videographer/popular tweep for a friend!
This one kinda goes along with the first one but not really, as it can involve you taking a class–but doesn’t have to. Think about something you’ve been wanting to learn for the longest time–in my case, it’d be cooking (i.e., having a number of recipes in my arsenal)–and set out to learn it!! Knowledge is sexy!
But you don’t take it from me; I’ll let Matt explain:
See? By learning something new, you’ll have something worthwhile (i.e., something that you genuinely like) to contribute next time you talk to somebody. So Matt wants to learn about the US Civil War and ancient Egypt and I also want to read at least one book/mo. this year (I just finished three, I’m currently reading two, and have another three in my queue :D).
I also recently downloaded my first ever cooking app and I want to make a few recipes enough times that I can memorize them and just know them by heart (and even be able to perfect them). I also just found THE mother of all chocolate chip cookie recipes (it takes over A DAY to execute) and wouldn’t it be cool to be someone’s “she got me with her chocolate chip cookies” girl? Yes, yes it would.
Where Love Might Find You
At a meeting/get-together for people interested in your skill; at a party when a guy starts raving about your food or your interest in pre-Columbian artifacts; while talking to the guy behind you in line at a coffee shop, etc….
Working out in general helps oxygenate (i.e., bring more oxygen into) your brain, which will clear your mind and give you more energy–all while helping you lose those extra pesky pounds and in turn upping your self esteem because your outer self will finally catch up with your already gorgeous inner self!
(Don’t forget: Eating well is is an important component of a healthful life and feeling well.)
Where Love Might Find You
At the gym or ANYWHERE ELSE YOUR HOMETOWN because why would hide your gorgeous self??

I don’t really volunteer to help others but rather to get those warm fuzzies you get when you see someone else happily receive something you did. In other words, when I volunteer, I do it to feel good. And as I established earlier, when you feel and think good, you attract good.
Where Love Might Find You
At a volunteer meeting, while framing a house for a needy family, while helping out at your nearest parish/ward/synagogue/mosque… these opportunities are endless.
I’m not just saying this because I meditate (OK I am)–I do transcendental meditation (AKA “TM”): Meditation is what’s allowed me to always be so calm and keep my cool at times when others would have lost their minds.
“Transcendental Meditation gives me an island of calm in the midst of so much turbulence.”—Paul McCartney
My family’s been doing TM for a combined 20ish years and we owe our peacefulness amid many storms to that simple technique.
Meditation newbies (are you one?) don’t often start out with TM (though they should, because TM’s like the granddaddy and all others are sort of wannabes). A lot of them begin with just sitting peacefully for a few minutes once/twice a day and focusing on a mantra or their thoughts. (One of TM’s keys is to let those thoughts be. Repelling them can be damaging.) That’s a good first step: Connect with your innermost self so that others can more easily connect to you.
Where Love Might Find You
At a meditation meeting, or much like exercise, PRETTY MUCH ANYWHERE because WHY would you want to hide you gorgeous, more relaxed and connected self?

Are you sitting/working/studying at home right now but don’t look 100% presentable? Well then change that!
I work from home and unless I have to take the dogs out, I’ll rarely put on any makeup, which I’ve realized is a BIG mistake. Wearing makeup instantly perks me up! I’m not ugly or anything, but I like how a bit of concealer and blush will instantly make me feel more camera-ready (impromptu selfies hehe!) and less weird for when the UPS guy needs me to sign for a delivery.
Where Love Might Find You
If you need to go out, you’ll already be partly ready (unless you’re one of those odd–I mean “evolved”–young women who don’t wear makeup) inside and out, meaning you’ll be wholly ready to let love more easily find its way to you. Also, if a guy who’s been crushing on you for a while catches that “impromptu selfie” of yours, chances are you’ll be steps closer to reeling him in ;).

NOW THERE YOU HAVE THEM! My mostly quick and easy ways for letting love find its way to you. Remember the Law of Attraction: If you think it, it’ll come. But these go a step further: If you feel it, if you are it, it will come. So follow either/all of those tips and let me know how it goes!
FEEL LOVE (i.e., LOVE YOURSELF) & ATTRACT LOVE. Pretty easy formula, huh?
This is PURE PERFECTION! Such a great first post to stumble across on your blog :) You”re being placed on my daily blogroll for sure! xo
Well aren’t you a sweetheart? Thanks so much, Shane, for stopping by and for adding moi; I’m a big fan of yours too :)!
I love this blog post! And I love the idea of doing all those things just to love yourself more and to attract more good. Keep up the positivity!
I’m so happy you loved it, Rebecca! I wrote it with lots of love so I’m honored at all the great feedback it’s been getting. Thanks for your comment!
As always, I so enjoyed reading and having you link up with the series. Such a smart post this is :)
Thanks so much, doll! I definitely enjoyed being part of this series and I appreciate your stopping by :).
Everything about this post is spot on!
Thanks so much for the feedback. Kim! Glad you liked it!
First time on your blog, and this is an awesome post. I agree with everything you said. Why would you want to hide your gorgeous self? LOL
Thanks Starla and welcome! Haha you got it–there’s no point to, huh??