For Years The Left Has Been Gaslighting The Right

I don’t watch debates. I’ll watch clips here and there, but not entire debates because I consider them a waste of time and haven’t liked them in years. I always seem to have something better to do, they don’t teach voters anything, and they’re unlikely to help anyone switch sides.

And then it was time for the Biden vs. Trump debate last night. We still didn’t watch it, or any commentary about it, but I was nevertheless interested in learning more about it, so I looked it up quickly before bed.

The first or so dozen of sites listed in the results were left-leaning, which I wasn’t interested in. I was hoping to find something in the middle but ended up settling for an “article” on Fox News. I say “article” because the embedding of tweets (from Liberal personalities, in this case) can’t possibly qualify as journalism, but this is the world we live in, I guess.

Here’s a sampling of said tweets in that article:

I’m listening on the radio, and the audible difference between Biden and Trump is really striking (Brian Stelter)

It’s over. Biden looks and sounds ancient. Losing his train of thought. Speaking in a barely audible whisper. They have to pull him!!! (Cenk Uygur)

Trump’s taken control of the momentum of this debate — despite lying and living in an alternate reality — and Biden simply comes across as a somewhat dazed punching bag. (Tim O’Brien)

And all I kept thinking as I read those quotes was, WHO ARE THEY KIDDING?!

For months? years? the Left has been gaslighting the Right saying “Biden’s fine!” But only until now they “noticed” that he’s not?

I don’t believe it.

Some members of the media are floating the idea of President Biden to be pulled from the ticket, even removed from the White House through the “25th Amendment.” (The caption is originally from Fox News.) Image c/o Chris Kleponis/CNP/Bloomberg via Getty Images via Fox News as well.

I believe they’ve known for years that he’s not all there and that he should be removed, and it’s like someone’s finally deployed the peons to take him out.

But because they couldn’t do it internally for some reason, they have to first make the media do it so we all collectively feel bad for him and decide it’s best to go along with it, for his sake.

A post-debate NYT email even stated Trump won the debate by forfeit.. FORFEIT! Not through his own merit but rather because Biden wasn’t capable of debating.

Mark my words

I guarantee that if/when Trump wins, they’ll say the elections weren’t fair or legal because Biden/Harris wasn’t a worthy adversary, and they’ll either want to spend their time redoing them or they’ll keep claiming Trump had it easy and it wasn’t really a victory.

Or some other B.S.

And I’m just fed up, even though I don’t think that’s a reasonable reaction? I mean, who cares what some random suburban Hispanic housewife fells like, except that I, like perhaps most housewives, am our family’s media and shopping gatekeeper?

And is it weird that the past four years have shown me/everyone that the establishments we took for granted managed to turn the crazy into reality and what was reality into absolute madness? No wonder more and more people now believe in conspiracies, and some conspiracies don’t seem as far-fetched anymore.

So who knows what this will all turn into and whether I’ll be interested beyond this post.

(I don’t write political commentary but I may once in a while to highlight the absurdity of the Left.)

What do you think?

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