I Have Faith, Actually
TOO. many. thoughts. And not enough time to compile them for y’all to see. But that’s OK. Because I’m already structuring a nice (and of course long) post. : )
To put it bluntly, I was heart-broken last night. Still kind of am. I mean, losing doesn’t feel nearly as bad as having those who won b**ch and just rub their… um… irrationality all over your face.
(Note: I’m not calling all Liberals irrational; just those who b**ch and rub their irrationality all over Conservatives’ faces.)
However, this IS America we’re talking about! Obama or no Obama, Romney or no Romney, we have SO much to offer, and ONE person alone can’t dictate the direction of our progress–regardless of what the Electoral College thinks.
When Mr. Obama said he needed four more years on the pretense that the “mess” he inherited was too big, I remember quickly dismissing it. But now I really wonder whether he will in fact fix the mess he’s actually inherited from himself this time around this situation in another four years.
Honestly, I hope he can and that he does. Because I’m not going anywhere and I’m not moving to another country. I love America. And regardless of who leads it, it’s still a pretty great home. It’s still one of the best places (THE best?) in the world.
And Mr. Obama, I’m honestly rooting for you. I have faith. Just please decrease your the deficit, don’t give out too much free stuff, have people work for what they want, no more food stamps, and don’t redistribute our wealth. Please. And thank you in advance!
(And to all my Liberal friends [and followers?]: Congratulations y’all! Your efforts kicked butt. But now is not the time to kick back assuming your government will do it all. Take charge of your life because God [I don’t care if you believe in God or not, btw!] doesn’t help those who don’t help themselves. Peace!)
On another note, this is an interesting article on what actually won the Election. In one word, it was Marketing. And as a marketer myself, I believe that.
Also, I was actually looking forward to applying to University of Washington for grad school. But not anymore thanks to Washington state’s newest and beyond appalling decision.
And another thing: Us Conservatives ARE/CAN BE be diplomatic, as one of my fave bloggers shows. We respect who won and aren’t scared to admit we love this country too dang much to not deal with whoever our fellow compatriots picked.
Lastly, I couldn’t have said it better:
Maybe it is always darkest before the dawn. You never know the future. Live for now. Shake the dust from your feet and move on.
— Chuck Woolery (@chuckwoolery) November 7, 2012