Why This Hispanic Millennial Mom Is Voting for Trump (Again)

Though I’ll still be updating this post in the next coming days, I wanted to publish it (albeit unfinished) as soon as I could because I thought my perspective would be useful to the Left.

Almost every day I hear that this “will be the most important Election” of our lifetime and I’ll tell you what that means to me as a Catholic, Conservative, homeschooling mom of little kids and legal immigrant-turned Naturalized citizen.

The first vote I ever cast in an Presidential Election was for John McCain. It honestly wasn’t that meaningful aside from it being my parents’ and my first vote as citizens. All I knew, really, was that I wasn’t going to vote for Obama, but as a kid, nothing about McCain made me all that enthusiastic. He seemed average. I’d argue with others in high school about how detrimental Obama’s presidency would be, and those dang young Liberals wouldn’t listen. I guess that made me a young Conservative?

I then studied Obama’s rhetoric in college, and though impressive, I still wasn’t sold. So I voted for his other Republican adversary, even though, again.. Meh. (Fun fact: I also studied Al Gore’s rhetoric and Inconvenient Truth documentary in college, and somehow that combination planted a seed in my mind of how dishonest the Democrats can be, but I digress.)

Fast-forward a few years, and now that I’m in my 30s (which is the age my mom was when we moved to this country!), I have different priorities from those I had when I was younger–namely, a family whose current and future well-beings I’m thoroughly invested in (unlike childless cat ladies*, who could care less about anyone else’s future).

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

With that in mind, I’ve listed several things that, in my mind, make Donald Trump better. We’re in a particular point in history where we’ll have to choose between a former president and an acting president/vice-president (you can’t deny Biden hasn’t been all there for years), which means both people have records that we can look back on and make inferences as to what they will be like as the 47th President of these amazing United States.

(I welcome your comments and rebuttals, but you must keep it respectful or else I’m not interested.)

But before I do, I’ll leave you with Harris’s best future-behavior predictor, and that’s her own admission that she wouldn’t change a thing about these past four years:

Without further ado:

1. Trump and his border patrol agents were better at keeping illegal immigration at bay:

The Harris-Biden administration quadrupled the amount of illegal immigrants coming into the country. When she said a move she and Biden instituted halved that amount, she failed to recognize that one half of four times still equals DOUBLED. So she was still partly responsible for DOUBLING the amount of illegal migrants that came to this country.

This is scary to me for several reasons. As a sane mom, I worry about my kids. Gone are the days where kids could be left unattended to play out or meander around in the neighborhood. Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in the media’s emphasis on kidnappings–which doesn’t necessarily mean they’re themselves more common; it just means that every rare incident gets significantly more publicized.

Photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash

Then over the past few decades, there has also been an actual increase in child trafficking. Ironically, the media doesn’t exactly focus on that, though.

Horrifically, this, along with many other disastrous crimes, seems to be perpetuated more and more by some illegal migrants:

There has also been a rise in the amount of random murders caused by illegal migrants: the kinds of murders that could’ve been prevented had those migrants’ identities been flagged and their entries been denied at the border.

And when it comes to our countrywide housing shortage? Yeah, that wouldn’t exist either if we had limited or downright denied so many illegals from coming in and overstaying their welcome: The U.S. is now short 4.5 million homes as the housing deficit grows.

And then you have elitist reporters admitting they want illegal migrants for cheap labor, because if they were to be deported, then WHO would build our homes? (Nevermind that decades ago our homes weren’t being built by illegals and that there wouldn’t be such a demand for housing if there weren’t as many illegals here.) They look down on such jobs and can’t imagine hard-working Americans wanting them, so better leave them to the illegals!

A commenter paraphrased the interviewer’s take best: “‘Then who will pick our cotton?'”

…there shouldn’t be a problem because the illegal migrant gangs shouldn’t be here and are only here because of Biden-Harris incompetence. … —Brodigan

Another Harris term would mean those illegals continue to stay (see here as well), with more potentially coming in. It’s despicable and it’s not fair to us parents who try very hard to keep our kids safe, or to the millions of immigrants and their descendants who did it properly and try to be outstanding citizens.


This New York Times* article on Black and Hispanic male voters not favoring Harris (or more so its mostly pathetically racist comments) would have you believe that it’s racist and xenophobic to not want illegal immigrants to invade our country or to stay and continue doing so.

*Don’t pay for a NYT subscription: Instead, get it for free from your local library!

But it’s neither racist nor xenophobic to want it to be safer again, to want them to get in and stay through the proper channels, to behave like the good citizens that made America so appealing in the first place.


To call Trump a racist for saying that some illegals ARE killers and bad people is itself so obtuse and ignorant. They ARE! So why would we welcome them in with open arms and make it easier for them to ruin it here? They don’t appreciate it enough so they don’t care who’s harmed by their actions. They’re not fleeing prosecution: they’re seeking the freedom to do horrible things and to run away from their crimes in their native country.

In short, we didn’t move to this country, where we could be infinitely safer, the hard, legal way, to have it get ravaged by illegal immigrants who skipped the line and commit atrocities with impunity. It’s not racist to acknowledge the fact that some illegal migrants (and, likewise, some US-born individuals) are bad people.

2. The economy was better under Trump:

In 2024 it takes American families ~$11,000 MORE than it did under Trump to maintain their same standard of living.


Since Sleepy Joe took office, inflation has increased 17.6%. Grocery prices have increased by 21%. Prices for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs have increased 21%. Gasoline prices have increased by 55%. And airline fares have increased by 27.2%. –Danielle Berjikian

Under Obama, the average income went up around $1,000. Under Biden, the average American is losing about $4,200 in annual income. However, under Trump, income increased by $5,003. –Danielle Berjikian

Many families are blessed in that price increases are merely an annoyance, an inconvenience. They may ignore individual price tags but still go, “Ouch” at the total the register shows, while nevertheless knowing they can always afford it. They may need to give up a few past luxuries but nothing too extreme.

But many others are left scrambling, re-shifting priorities, and making significant and potentially life-altering sacrifices (and I’m not even including Helene and Milton), and for what? So that illegal immigrants (who should’ve been deported from the get-go) get what Americans need? To arm other countries for wars that we shouldn’t have been involved in? (It’s not like Ukraine and Lebanon are going to pay us back.)

Americans deserve more than the awful mismanagement we’ve been experiencing, and it’s not a lie that we had it better under Trump.

As a side note, let me add here an unsolicited plug for single-income living: My husband and I have been able to successfully weather this increasingly unhealthy economy (while, at the same time, adding new priorities and Must-gets) by simply living within our means, budgeting, and yes, managing his sole income well. I’ll explain more in a future post, but for now, suffice it to say that living on two incomes would make it so much more difficult to manage them well and to live responsibly. Plus, once you get used to a certain standard of living, it can be detrimental to cut it significantly after a parents decides to stay home. So, Mom, do it right from the get-go and stay home.

3. Donald Trump didn’t start any wars

And the world in general was more peaceful under his presidency, giving childless cat ladies no reason to worry because their lack of kids means they’re not invested in our country’s future, so why would they ever worry about it?

(And before you allege that they care about human-caused global warming, remind me why, then, prominent Democrats buy oceanfront homes and tell me what China and India are doing about their negative impact on the environment.)

Meanwhile, parents of kids who could, God forbid, be conscripted to fight one or several unnecessary wars want to do everything in our power to make our country better and prevent said wars from starting.

4. Abortion was never a legal right, and it will stay that way. Also, SCOTUS

Trump appointed Supreme Court justices who helped repeal the abomination that was Roe v. Wade. He may never institute a nationwide ban on abortion (much to the dismay of those who make a living promoting pro-life positions), but he at least proposed leaving it up to the states.

The ability to kill an unborn baby was never a right, and it was never a right enshrined in the Constitution. Instead, the right to life IS the one that’s enshrined in the Constitution. So I wonder how anyone could justify murdering a baby in the womb or refer to that as “healthcare” when it’s not.

5. Does Vice President Harris care about Helene and Milton victims?

From the looks of it, one may safely argue that she doesn’t. Instead of taking care of them first or budgeting that money for the use of actual emergencies and aid for natural disasters, the federal government made sure to give almost a billion dollars to illegal immigrants + billions to Ukraine.. and run out of assistance for those who lost their homes, relatives, and communities.

It’s obvious to me why Trump is the better choice and it enrages me to see the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) gaslighting so many Americans about Biden’s health, the economy, and illegal immigrants (and pretty much everything else!), like it can’t respect us. Like all that matters is the color of our skin or that Trump has “mean” tweets.

That is all I have FOR NOW, everyone. If I think of more reasons, I’ll make sure to add them. Until then, I hope you register to vote (and verify that you ARE registered!), vote EARLY if possible, and talk to others about the election.


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