At Some Point You’ll Attend A Blogger Meetup. And You’ll Love It.
Chances are if you’ve been blogging for a bit, you’ve heard of bloggers who meet online and become online besties. After becoming online besties some even go on to become besties in real life. Erin and Whitney represent one of my fave examples.
But sometimes it takes more to find blog friends. Maybe you swap buttons with them (btw, those bloggers you see on the right >> are. the. bomb), maybe you comment on each other’s posts, or maybe you make a recipe they blogged about and tell them about how it turned out for you.
Or maybe… Just maybe… you attend a blogger meetup. And even if you’re a total introvert who’s not into meetups of any kind or the small talk that might ensue in meeting new people (like yours truly!), you’ll LOVE them.
I know this because it’s what happened to me.
The great Amanda of We & Serendipity put together a meetup at a local Olive Garden recently and invited a group of bloggers. Because she and I hadn’t heard of each other, I didn’t receive an invite from her, but rather from our common blog friend Kelsey of Stories of Kel. So I emailed Amanda letting her know I’d love to go and everything was set.
Then came the waiting.
And then, a few weeks (WEEKS!) later, we all met! And we talked a LOT. And we had great food. And we exchanged beautiful gifts. (Kel grabbed my gift–a box of piroulines and ceramic mug I made w/the quote, “I BLOG therefore I am–and I grabbed Kelsey’s [gasp!] gift–an Aveeno skincare system that I use religiously every night.)
I also learned something quite funny and peculiar about the blogging community: We may admit we love blogging to ourselves online, but never to outsiders, for some reason. It’s like a code, or something. Funny story: At the OG, both the manager and one of our waiters asked the occasion behind our get-together. They said that they saw the table full of presents and were wondering whose BDay it was, or whose ______ shower it was, and so on.
“No, no, no,” we all said–almost in unison. “We’re just celebrating each other!,” one of us volunteered. “Niiiice!,’ we all told her. Because that’s what it was, really. A celebration of each other’s amazingness and blogging prowess. (I did feel like telling them we were bloggers, but then thought, “Nah…” >> Why is that??)
Anyways, in the end, we took a group picture:
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Pretty ladies!! |
And I took one with the awesome Kelsey (b/c honestly, she’s adorable, I love her blog, and I was SOOO excited to finally meet her(!)), which Amanda had to photobomb, of course! Hahaha
So that was our meetup. If you get invited to one, GO GO GO. If you don’t, INVITE YOURSELF. And if you don’t even know of any, PLAN ONE! B/c you’ll LOVE it.
P.S. In case you’re in/near/around SLC and would like to know more about us local bloggers (i.e., the ladies above) check out their sites below (thanks, Amanda, for posting the list first!). I have a feeling you may find good blog friends in them…